OM Digital Solutions

Choosing the codec for recording movies (nVideo Codec)

Choose the codec to be used when recording movies.


  • MENU U n U 1. Basic Settings/Image Quality U nVideo Codec
H.264 Records 8-bit movies using H.264, which is a versatile codec. This setting is recommended in most circumstances.
H.265 Records 10-bit movies using the H.265 codec. This setting is primarily for movies that are intended to be edited on a computer.
  • When [H.265] is selected, only [a2 OM-Log400] and [a3 HLG] are available for [nPicture Mode]. For playback with the correct color and brightness, a TV or a display compatible with 10-bit input is required. When outputted to a HDMI device compatible with 10-bit input, the colors of icons may look different from the way they usually look.