OM Digital Solutions

Choosing aperture (A: Aperture-Priority AE)

In this mode, you choose the aperture (f/-number) and the camera automatically sets the shutter speed for optimal exposure according to subject brightness. Lower aperture values (larger apertures) reduce the depth of the area that appears to be in focus (depth of field), blurring the background. Higher aperture values (smaller apertures) increase the depth of the area that appears to be in focus in front of and behind the subject.

  1. Lower aperture values…

    …reduce depth of field and increase blur.

  1. Higher aperture values…

    …increase depth of field.

  1. Rotate the mode dial to A.

  2. Adjust aperture.

    1. Aperture
    • The shutter speed selected automatically by the camera will appear in the display.
    • Exposure compensation can also be adjusted using the F button. Press the F button and then rotate the front or rear dial.
  3. Release the shutter.

Subject Too Dark or Too Bright

If the camera is unable to achieve optimal exposure, the shutter-speed display will flash as shown.

Display Problem/solution

Slow shutter speed


  • Choose a lower aperture value.

Fast shutter speed
