OM Digital Solutions

Functions and Direct Buttons

Frequently-used photographic functions are assigned to buttons. These are referred to as “direct buttons”. They are useful when changing the settings frequently according to the subject.

The buttons to which functions can be assigned are listed below.

Direct buttons during photo shooting

Direct button Assigned function
a V Button One-touch white balance (“One-touch white balance”)
b W Button Preview (“Choosing the Behavior of the Control Used for Depth-of-Field Preview (zLock)”)
c U (LV) button Display (monitor/viewfinder) selection (“Switching between displays”)
d AEL button AEL (“Locking the exposure (AE Lock)”)
e AF-ON button AF-ON (“Autofocus using the AF-ON button”, “Using Autofocus in Manual Focus Mode (z in MF mode)”)
f ISO button ISO sensitivity (“Changing ISO sensitivity (ISO)”)
g Multi selector (T) Y (AF Target Point) (“Choosing a Focus Target (AF Target Point)”)
h Multi selector (U) Off 1
i Arrow pad (FGHI) Off 1
j gYA button 2 Sequential/self-timer shooting/flash (“Choosing a Flash Mode (Flash Mode)”, “Performing the sequential/self-timer shooting”)
k AFT button 2 AF/metering mode (“Choosing how the camera measures brightness (Metering)”)
l F button Exposure compensation (“Controlling exposure (Exposure Compensation)”)
m R (M) button High Res Shot (“Shooting still pictures in a higher resolution (High Res Shot)”)

No function is assigned by default.

Buttons excluding the gYA and AFT buttons can be assigned different roles. g “Changing the roles of buttons (Button Settings)”

Direct buttons during movie recording

Direct button Assigned function
a V Button Peaking (“Focus Peaking Options (Peaking Settings)”)
b W Button Zoom (“Zoom frame AF/Zoom AF (Super Spot AF)”)
c U (LV) button Display (monitor/viewfinder) selection (“Switching between displays”)
d AEL button AEL (“Locking the exposure (AE Lock)”)
e AF-ON button AF-ON (“Autofocus using the AF-ON button”, “Using Autofocus in Manual Focus Mode (z in MF mode)”)
f ISO button ISO sensitivity (“Changing ISO sensitivity (ISO)”)
g Multi selector (T) Y (AF Target Point) (“Choosing a Focus Target (AF Target Point)”)
h Multi selector (U) Off 1
i Arrow pad (FGHI) Off 1
k AFT button 2 AF/metering mode (“Choosing how the camera measures brightness (Metering)”)
l F button Exposure compensation (“Controlling exposure (Exposure Compensation)”)
m R (M) button Movie recording (“Recording movies in movie mode (n)”)

No function is assigned by default.

Buttons excluding the AFT button can be assigned different roles. g “Changing the roles of buttons (Button Settings)”

For information on how each direct button function works, see the explanation page of each function.