OM Digital Solutions

Configuring the self-timer functions (Self-timer Settings)

You can choose which types of self-timer modes are displayed when you press the gYA button, and change the self-timer settings such as the time the camera waits before taking a picture, and the number of frames it captures.


  • MENU U a U 7. Drive Mode U Self-timer Settings
  1. Select a self-timer mode that you want to have displayed, and put a check (P) next to it.

    • Select an option using FG and press the OK button to put a check (P) next to it.

      To remove the check, press the OK button again.

  2. When setting Custom Self-timer, select [YC] / [rC] / [qC] (Custom Self-timer) and press I.
  3. Configure options.

    Number of Frames Choose the number of shots taken when the timer expires.
    Y Timer Choose how long the camera waits to begin shooting after the shutter button is pressed all the way down.
    Interval Length If the number of shots is 2 or more, choose the interval between the shots taken when the timer expires.
    Every Frame AF

    [Off]: If the number of shots is 2 or more, focus is locked when the first shot is taken.

    [On]: The camera focuses before each shot.