OM Digital Solutions

Protecting Pictures (0)

Protect images from accidental deletion.

  1. Display the image you want to protect and press the 0 button.

    • Protected images are marked with a 0 (“protected”) icon. Press the 0 button again to cancel protection.

    • When an unprotected image is displayed, you can hold the 0 button and rotate the front or rear dial to protect all images displayed while the dial is rotated. Any previously-protected images displayed while the dial is rotated will be unaffected.
    • When a protected image is displayed, you can hold the 0 button and rotate the front or rear dial to remove protection from all images displayed while the dial is rotated. Any previously-unprotected images displayed while the dial is rotated will be unaffected.
    • The same operations can be performed during playback zoom or when a picture is selected in the index display.