OM Digital Solutions

Combining Pictures (Image Overlay)

Overlay existing RAW photos and to create a new picture. Up to 3 pictures can be included in the overlay.

The results can be modified by adjusting brightness (gain) separately for each picture.

  • The overlay is saved in the format currently selected for image quality. Overlays created with [RAW] selected for image quality are saved in RAW format and in JPEG format using the image quality option selected for [X2] (“Configuring KX).
  • Overlays saved in RAW format can in turn be combined with other RAW images to create overlays containing 4 or more pictures.
  1. Display an image you want to edit and press the OK button.

    • The playback direct menu will be displayed.
  2. Highlight [Image Overlay] using FG and press the OK button.
  3. Select the number of images to be overlaid and press the OK button.
  4. Highlight a RAW image to overlay using the FGHI buttons and press the OK button.

    • The P icon will appear on the selected image. To remove the P icon, press the OK button again.
    • The overlaid image will be displayed if images of the number specified in Step 3 are selected.

  5. Adjust the gain for each of the images in the overlay.

    • Highlight images using the HI buttons and adjust gain using the FG buttons.
    • Gain can be adjusted in the range 0.1 – 2.0. Check the results in the monitor.

  6. Press the OK button; a confirmation dialog will be displayed.

    • Highlight [Yes] and press the OK button.