OM Digital Solutions

Choosing shutter speed (S: Shutter-Priority AE)

In this mode, you choose the shutter speed and the camera automatically sets aperture for optimal exposure according to subject brightness. Faster shutter speeds appear to “freeze” fast-moving subjects. Slower shutter speeds add blur to moving objects, lending them a sense of motion for a dynamic effect.

  1. Slower shutter speeds…

    …produce dynamic shots with a sense of motion.

  1. Faster shutter speeds…

    …“freeze” the motion of fast-moving subjects.

  1. Rotate the mode dial to S.

  2. Choose the shutter speed.

    1. Shutter speed
    • The aperture selected automatically by the camera will appear in the display.
    • Exposure compensation can also be adjusted using the F button. Press the F button and then rotate the front or rear dial.
  3. Release the shutter.

Subject Too Dark or Too Bright

If the camera is unable to achieve optimal exposure, the aperture display will flash as shown.

Display Problem/solution

Low aperture value


  • Choose a slower shutter speed.

High aperture value


  • Choose a faster shutter speed. Shutter speeds as fast as 1/32000 s are available in silent mode.
  • If the subject is still overexposed at the higher speed, the limits of the camera metering system have been exceeded. Use a third-party ND (Neutral Density) filter to reduce the amount of light entering the camera.
  • When [KISO] is not set to [Auto], optimal exposure may be achieved by changing the setting. g “Changing ISO sensitivity (ISO)”
  • The aperture value shown when the display flashes varies with the lens and focal length.