OM Digital Solutions

Setting the range of ISO sensitivity values selected in [Auto] mode (KISO-A Upper/Default / bISO-A Upper/Default)

Choose the range of ISO sensitivity values selected by the camera when [Auto] is selected for [KISO] or [nISO].


  • MENU U a U 3. ISO/Noise Reduction U KISO-A Upper/Default
  • MENU U n U 3. ISO/Noise Reduction U bISO-A Upper/Default
Upper Limit

Choose the maximum sensitivity selected automatically by the camera.

Set the value using FG or the front/rear dials.


Choose the default sensitivity.

Set the value using FG or the front/rear dials.

  • Switch between [Upper Limit] and [Default] using HI.
  • The upper limit and the default settings differ between [KISO] and [nISO]. If the optimal exposure cannot be achieved under the aperture and shutter speed conditions, a lower sensitivity is applied.