OM Digital Solutions

Choosing the information displayed during magnified playback (q8Info Settings)

Choose the display when you magnify the picture by pressing the multi selector or a button to which [8] (magnify) has been assigned (“Changing the roles of buttons (Button Settings)”).

  1. Playback display
  2. Zoom frame
  3. Playback zoom scroll display


  • MENU U q U 3. Displays U q8Info Settings
  1. Select the display type, and put a check (P) next to it.

    • Select an option using FG and press the OK button to put a check (P) next to it. To remove the check, press the OK button again.
    Magnify Frame Displays the zoom frame.
    Magnify Scroll Allows you to scroll the display during magnified playback.
    • If you remove the checks from all options, you will not be able to magnify the image using the multi selector or a button to which [8] (magnify) has been assigned.