OM Digital Solutions

Rating Pictures (Rating)

Assign one to five rating stars to a picture.
This can be helpful when arranging and searching for pictures using OM Workspace or other utilities.


  • E Button

If you press the E button when the selected picture has no rating stars assigned, rating stars will be assigned to the picture. The number of stars will be the same as the previously set number.

If you press the E button when the selected picture has rating stars assigned, rating stars will be cleared.

You can change the number of stars by rotating the front or rear dial while holding the E button.

  • Rating stars can only be assigned to still images.
  • If the picture was recorded with [RAW+JPEG], the same rating will be applied to both the RAW and JPEG files.
  • Rating stars cannot be assigned to protected images.
  • Rating stars cannot be assigned to pictures that were taken with a different camera.